Friday, August 11, 2006

So now out come the self appointed 'community' leaders. These are just lads, innocent until proven guilty! Isn't it odd that in most Muslim countries you don't even get a trial if the local Imman says not, ah but that's democracy for you.

If a Christian had blown up a plane in Iran - all Christian centres would have been stoned or destroyed, wailing men on the streets attacking flags yada yada. But over here it's keep calm they are only nice lads, I'm sure the Police have made a mistake!

In the States they rounded up every Japanese they could after Pearl Harbour!

How are we to protect ourselves? You have to remove the potential offender untimately. If burglers wandered around with striped jumpers and a 'swag' bag we would find them all, round them up and lock them away wouldn't we? Well wouldn't we?

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