Thursday, July 20, 2006

Last night our cat Domino died. Up until around 5 weeks ago I was of the mindset which says 'it's only a cat, get over it and go buy a new one'. I'm 55, a professional photographer and just didn't realise that when Trixie, Domino's mum died last month that you can actually grieve for a pet.

Then yesterday Domino, who seemed healthy enough, died. A mixture of age and the heat of 35C. She died being stroked by me as I always used to (more for my own comfort than her I suspect) and hearing my voice. I don't know if this made things better for her but it did for me.

I shall miss Domino. Suddenly finding her under my feet or jumping onto my desk wiping out hours of Photoshop work and then looking at me.

Ah well .............

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