Sunday, October 29, 2006

So Guy Fawkes night approaches and the kill joys are all over us justifying their jobs. They actually have no interest in our health nor our safety but solely in their own job defence. Local clubs forced into raising money because the council can't afford to help due to the massive explosion in spend on their administration and expenses, are now being told they can't hold a bon-fire because they would have to pay for special services just in case. Sparklers are banned due to H&S. The council employs special people to knock down conkers from trees so that the kids won't hurt themselves (or rather their parents won't sue the council).

When will people actually stand up and be counted? We are being gently pushed down a road where the state interference actually exceeds that of Nazi Germany! If you are told not to put paper in the grass bin , then put paper in it! (I do EVERY time). Eventually the councils will be forced to relent by the sheer weight of public pressure.

Only vote for councillors who will do something about it. E-mail them, write to them, tell them that unless they publicly state that they will stand for any rate payer who is prepared to fight the state then do not vote for them.

They can be beaten. I send mine an invoice every month for council support activities such as black bag preparation, bottle management for the same as the rates they charge. Why should it all be one way?

Monday, October 16, 2006

So how do Police dogs do their job when they are muzzled?

So Rover has to be muzzled in case he hurts a rapist or murderer or thief?
What a bloody country!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Now the Police are throwing 14 yr old girls into cells because they questioned their teachers incredible stupidity of making her join a group of non English speaking pupils to 'discuss' science.
If I were the parents I would sue the School for a frightening amount of compensation for their discredited actions. I would also sue the Police for wrongful arrest, again for a frightening amount of money.

We simply have to fight back against this. The vast majority of people in this country are white Christians, beware the backlash when it comes and it surely will unless we release the pressure of enforced multi-culturism. I do not want to live in such a society. I have my own views and express them. I do not want us to bow to a tiny tiny tiny minority such as the Muslims. They are very tiny and therefore cannot be significant in the greater whole. This is a democracy and it will win, which will be a shame in the way in which it will win.

If we dump the Human rights act, the recent terrorist bills and the current racial hatred laws, we will grow. With them in place and a Police force without a single bit of common sense then the only way out will be to kick back.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Apologise for slavery? You must be joking.

Firstly the British didn't invent slavery (the Romans were masters at it and I'm expecting the Italian apology any day now for their invasion). Most of the slaves collected on the Gambian coast were collected by the tribes themselves or slavers from Southern Spain, Britain facilitated the triangle as we were masters of the sea at the time.

The slave triangle ended in 1807, the Americans carried on effectively enslaving their black population for another 160 years! Longer than the slave trade ever lasted! The slave trade was borne out of necessity at the time, the Americans kept it going out of greed and dominance.

I hope that Martin Luther King, Condolesa Rice, Colin Powell etc accept the apology for making them some of the most powerful blacks in the world! Without slavery, of course, they would be as a Gambian is now!

You can't apologise for something that was acceptable at that point in time or else we'd be apologising to each other all the time! The Germans would spend most of their time on their knees, the Catholics would be trying to appease the Protestants, Christians would be asking the Jerusalem muslims to forget about that incident back in the crusades - ad invinitem!

You couldn't make it up!
So Newcastle are sepnding a fortune on collecting conkers to avoid the possibility of some young lad hurting himself (which is part of the excitement!). Absolute bloody rubbish. The overpaid underworked slightly less than bright councillors and their useless administrators simply want to intervere. All we want the council to do is collect the rubbish, look after the roads and sort the schools out. I don't want a Muslim Lesbian Single Parent outreach officer or a diversity advisory team! I can make my own bloody mind up.

Friday, October 06, 2006

At last someone is talking some sense. Jack Straw's comments are not about what someone should be allowed to wear as many apologists have tried to say. It's about openness and honesty. I wouldn't talk to someone wearing a veil, I consider it an insult them not being prepared to show their face -by choice remember, the Koran doesn't enforce it.

How would they feel if sitting on a bus they were surrounding by 4 passengers wearing balaclavas? The open face is the only natural way of recognition, it was given to us by nature. It is said that the veil allows Muslim men to beat their wives and not have it draw attention.

How do you know the person behind the veil is who they say they are? nd that cannot exist in modern Britain. In this case it is they who must change. Most of Europe bans the veil and we are part of the EU.